Going back to our real-world analogy, the framework maintained by the phone company will require some sort of registry ( phone book) so that other participants can be located. 再回到我们的现实类比法中,电话公司保留的框架需要某种注册(电话薄)才能定位其他参与者。
InfoQ: In your book you seem to imply that registry and repository are the same thing, although in reality they solve separate sets of problems. InfoQ:在书中,你们好像把注册(registry)和存储(repository)看作同一事物,尽管在现实中他们解决不同的问题。
Gary reback, a silicon valley antitrust lawyer, adds that the registry may have an incentive to license its book rights only to Google in order to keep prices up, rather than encourage competing distributors. 硅谷反垄断律师加里瑞贝克(garyreback)补充说,该登记处可能有动机,为抬高价格,只将图书版权授予谷歌,而不是鼓励分销商参与竞争。
Unless copyright owners opt out of the plan, a Book Rights registry to be run by representatives of the publishers and authors will have the power to license digital rights for all out-of-print books in the us to Google. 除非版权所有者选择不参与该计划,否则由出版商和作者的代表管理的图书版权登记处(bookrightsregistry)将有权把美国境内绝版图书的电子版权授给谷歌。
Company registration means the legal mechanism according to which the registration agency registers the statutory items on the registry book on the application of the registration applicant after strict examination. 公司登记(CompanyRegistration)作为登记的一种类型,是措公司登记机关根据登记申请人的申请,经依法审核,将法定应予以登记的事项登载于公司登记簿上并予以公示的法律制度。
This paper introduces the main function module of the system in detail, including the eight modules, registry, library information management, information management, books information query residents, residents information inquiry, book borrowing, book returning and information management. 论文详细介绍了系统的主要功能模块,包括登录、图书信息管理、居民信息管理、图书信息查询、居民信息查询、借书、还书和系统管理八大模块。
In the implementation section, the implementation processes of some modules, such as system home page, system registry, administrator setting, library management, book circulation etc. are introduced. 在系统实现部分,主要介绍了系统首页、系统登录、管理员设置、图书管理、图书借还等模块的具体实现过程。